Gender: Male
Location: Somewhere deep within the realm of my mind
Birthday: 09/29/1989
Rule 1: I win, no matter what. Rule 2: In the event that I do lose, I still win. Rule 3: There is no beating me. Rule 4a: There are no other rules. Rule 4b: Unless I say there are other rules. Rule 5: This is the last rule.
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"I like pigs better than cats or dogs. Dogs look up to us, cats look down on us, pigs treat us as equals." -Winston Churchill
"Can a mortal ask questions
which God finds unanswerable?
Quite easily, I should think.
All nonsense questions are unanswerable."
-C.S. Lewis
Why I do
believe I
have found
a golden dust
bunny. o_O
I do not weep because I did not take the chance when it was there, I weep because I am left imagining a possible future that could have been, but now never will.
Look ma! I went offscreen!
Scroll down for something extremely clever, witty, and hilarious.
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I have nothing clever and witty to say, because Gort couldn't think of anything. As soon as he does, I will.
What? You don't find it incredibly clever and witty and funny of me to make you scroll aaaaaaallllll the way down here just to read that? Boy, you sure are a stick in the mud.
What? There
are sane
people in
this world?
That's crazy!
If someone comes up to you and says they are a compulsive liar, can you believe them?
No matter where you go, there you are.
STDs: Save The Dolphins!
Ima gonna take over the world with an army of origami frogs.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." ~ Lord Acton
"These days people
seek knowledge, not
wisdom. Knowledge is
of the past, wisdom
is of the future."
-Vernon Cooper
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"The only thing worse
than kicking a dead horse
is betting on one." -Relient K
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An optimist sees the glass of water half full, a pessimist sees the glass of water half empty, a realist sees a glass of water, drinks it, and moves on.
"Ladies and Gentlemen,
take my advice: pull
down your pants, and
slide on the ice."
The difference between fiction and reality? Fiction has to make sense.
If you see it on T.V. it must be true!
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The League has been so boring without you!
Whats going on with you?
Darn it, I couldn't be the first to wish you happy birthday. Oh well, I'll just have to make it an epic happy birthday wish, then.
Haappy Biiirthday to Yooouuuu!!!! Haaapppy Biiiirthday to Yooouuuu!!!
Haaappy Biiirthdaaay, Deaaar Gortarziiiiiiis
Haaappy Biiirthday to yoooouuuuu!!!!!!!
*epic drumroll because I can't play guitar*
Happy birthday, Gortarzis!!!
I'm not one of the protesters that goes around demonstrating and stuff. I'm a.... whatchamacallit... you know about the people who wore the black armbands to protest the Vietnam War? One of those. There's a specific term for it, but it escapes me at the moment. If they organize a student furlough day, I'll participate. I still have to make something physical to wear all the time. I've just been avoiding our school colors like the plague so far, and supporting the protesters whenever conversations turn to them. If it gets violent, I'm not going to be involved in the actual violence. I doubt it'll get that way, though.
There's been a lot of trouble in the CSU system, though. The Chancellor ordered the teachers to take a 10% pay cut, tuition raised 32%, and 10 mandatory furlough days for faculty, which means they can't work, not even look at their email. So students are paying more, getting less class time, and teachers are taking unpaid vacations, and you want to know why this happened? Because the oh-so-mighty Chancellor wanted to give bonuses to some retiring bigwigs and some new Vice Presidents. That, on top of budget cuts, has the whole campus in an uproar! A lot of students haven't been able to get the classes they need to graduate, so they have to hold back on graduation a year. The CSU system is also not accepting students for the spring semester, in order to cut back on students. They have to go from almost 40,000 students to 30,000 students. Some international students won't have the 12 units for their visas in order to study in America and are in danger of being deported. All in all, it's pretty hectic around campus.