ok so. i am a blonde and proud of it. cant wait until i am 18 so i can get a tattoo and the 5 other peircings i want. I have a gothic style, would be lolita as well if i had enough money.what else..... i am a dog person. i like drawing, writing, texting, hanging out with friends, fashion, listening to music, video games, yoga and volleyball. i like warm whether the best....my dream house is a beach house in flordia. ok age... almost legal.... for something hehe. umm dream job is the work with big cats, tiger, leopards, lions. etc. doable career choice however is engineering. favorite color is purple. fav school subject is math. i have one pet dog coco. so yeah thats all!
Lol....I will...one day. XD Naw...I probably will after my exams are finally done. I just got one more to do tomorrow. (chemistry) after that I'm done untile...the 1st of feb if im not mistaken?
Lol..I Don't think I need a history credit...do i? (To graduate?) If not then again..I don't care cause i'll take up computer courses. If i do need it..Ill try to do a better job next year/semester?
Lol, I don't have exames untile next week. But hopfully good. I'm not terribly stressed. The only class I'm worried about is modern history..that class is iffy. and for chemistry it don't matter if I pass or not cause I forgot I already gotten my science credit last year. XD
Ima rape yer profile. XD I luffles purple flames yes?
Sorreh. I got extra time during classes what with exames..and since my computer science class has no exame (its a project instead and i already did it) I got on gaia an stalky peoples profiles. XD So whatcha doin'? preparing for exams orsomthing?
=O Sorry cont wait o say this. but.... YOU DUN LIKES ME!? =[ Tupid brown hair why'd you have to be non-blondier with age!! T-T Ima dys it eithier blonde or black now
>.<....or maybe even blue!! or purple...depenidng on my mood. >.<
When i get sad i cut myself.... another piece of cheesecake
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Sorreh. I got extra time during classes what with exames..and since my computer science class has no exame (its a project instead and i already did it) I got on gaia an stalky peoples profiles. XD So whatcha doin'? preparing for exams orsomthing?
ah, thats fine dear whee : xp heart
a hell of a lot
>.<....or maybe even blue!! or purple...depenidng on my mood. >.<