I'm an aspiring writer, and i'm currently working on a war story that a slowly growing amount of people seem to enjoy...
That's right people... I'm also a musician. I play guitar and the drums, mostly self-taught... I'd love to be in a band or somethin' but it ain't working out around here lol
I'm a great Rper, so if you wish for a literate person in one of you Rps, PM me and we'll see...
On a final note, I want everyone to know that I want to be a part of the US Army or USMC sometime in my future... I always support the men and women who volunteer and fight hard against national and even international threats. Flame me, and you'll wish you hadn't. So be warned, peacehumpers. Freedom does not come free.
Woah a title.... A place for.... my random thoughts....
The title pretty much says it all....
No oranges or llamas were harmed i nthe making of this...
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