Birthday: 10/28
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This is my Silly friend she is my wife and best female friend. We are inseparable ♥
This cookie is my <a title="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="">mom</a>, he hates me calling him that I call him mom, but he answers anyways :3
This is my video chatting buddy :D I've known him for a long time and we never stop talking
Soren is a bit blunt and she can be a bit too serious sometimes, but I love her anyways x3
Matt just likes to have fun, atschool and at <a title="Click to Continue > by Text-Enhance" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="">home</a>. She always finds a way to cheer others <a title="Click to Continue > by I Want This" id="_GPLITA_0" style="text-decoration:underline" href="#" in_rurl="">up and</a> live life to the fullest
Wolves can be childish at times, but he's always entertaining to watch. It's like watching a grown up little kid ^-^
Nashia is my twin, we could share anything and everything, we look alike and think alike most of the time
Eternal is a bit hard to understand sometimes, but when I do understand him he says the most amazing things. >.<
These are some of my best friends on Gaia and at home
This is my spirit guide, he is very shy and he follows behind me everywhere. If you spook him, he will vanish and kill you :3
Oh, little butterfly,Fly away now.Why are you still there? Atop my little white rose.Try and fly away now.Why are you still there?Are you not a social butterfly?Though, your wings are not clipped,You still do not fly.Just spread your wings,And try to fly high!Oh, little butterfly,Little butterfly.Try and fly away now.
Artemi Sparks
This is the fourth stage of my Handflower, it's called an Aracnaplumand. It comes from the flower, the leaves grow out into legs and the eye closes slightly, growing a plume and extra 'sight' in the main eye. Each 'eye-sight' as it's own vision, but none of them are exactly the same(ultra violet, black and white, certain colors, etc)
This is a Hand Flower. It's a parasite that consumes it's own kind. Once one is large enough, it develops a black tail, when that happens, it eats a smaller one and that smaller one grows out of the tail and blooms into a Hand Flower. During their lifespan they eat one another to survive and reproduce. These are the first, second and third stages.
This account is no longer online, please refer to ArtemiSparks-Jynx. The owner of this account has transferred. Thank you. ♥