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Let Jasmine You's soul live on
and forever may our hearts be with him, here,
to watch him as he flies
to a place beyond the stars
a place where he may live
a place where he is free...

Miyavi is my Superhero!
-Whenever a song that has no voice is sung, how can you call it music, music is a voice of soul~
Un-do~ by me

Եસヨ ąლąƶḯᾖģ ƳʊɮЇヨ

The_Amazing_Yuuki's avatar

Last Login: 07/10/2011 6:02 pm

Registered: 12/16/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Loving Eric and Livin it up on my last days in Florida!

Birthday: 04/12/1991

ԵસЇs Їs ლヨ

yeah, you heard me
my new accout is skye thirteen

contact me-other

Seth Thirteen

My new account~! >>