Last Login: 07/03/2022 5:30 pm
Registered: 10/10/2008
Gender: Male
Remind me to update my interests.
my 3 most faveorite bands are children 18:3 family force 5 and fire flight. n i hate EMOS
favorite characters are gwen & duncan
rock,punk,metal,heavy metal,alternitive,and classic rock
Movies and Shows: total drama island,it,pokemon,southpark,jackass,andstuff on cartoon network
my favorite colors are midnight blue red and black n i ♥ pokemon._________*/•|___
-.(................../....)pu t this
. ............... /..../ on ur profile
................./..../if u listen 2
......../´¯.I.¯`./ metal,rock,or
..../... I....I..(¯¯¯` alternate!!
........` ¯..¯ ´.......'
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sup yalls
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lets be friends (:
That Okai?!