Look for my next event in December!All the comments are sweet, but I often forget to visit this page. It is also my policy not to donate to those who ask via PM, as that is considered rude on Gaia. If you truly wish for a donation from me, please visit my charity, naturally called THE Christmas Charity, and read the first post carefully!
I can no longer accept friends requests because I reached my 200 limit. This absolutely does NOT mean we can't be friends! You are loved! I maintain my friendships here on Gaia through PMs, so rather than a friendslist request, please PM me. I answer all PMs longer than one word or emoticon, unless they contain foul language or spam (anything about a petition or other non-personal messages). Also, I have many friends who hang out in my charity thread, so you can go there and find mutual friends who are very Nice! Thanks for understanding. I look forward to hearing from you!
I support these threads and websites:

My Gaiatowns address was 21 Barton 001701. Now of course, my home has moved somewhere in Barton I know not exactly where. Maybe here?
Merry Christmas!
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Saving up for my quest!