Okay well... um... I guess is description would do, right?
Name: Cassie
Surname: I don't think you need to know
Age: 1* years old (dont worry, I'm not 11)
Country: Somewhere in France
Hair color: Gold Brown
Eye color: Green
Favorite colors: Oh!! Blue! Purple! Orange! Black! Turquoise!
And many more! ><
Favorite food: Whoa. That'd be a long list.
Favorite Movie: Whoa x2
Favorite bands: Bring Me The Horizon, Escape the Fate, Bullet For My Valentine, Hawthorne Heights, Dead Poetic, uuh...
Favorite singers: Ronnie Radke, Oliver Sykes... uuh x2
Music style: ... emocore? deathcore? screamo? whatever u call it.
Anyway, enough with descriptions! What I want, is to know who you are. ^^ I lurve random comments. <3
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Whatsername is Back and you better be ******** happy...
I worship a CD, my shoes, and the girl who introduced me to Green Day
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teehee your about me made me giggle. cuz you're so odd :]
just like moi
hehehehehe. :3
I think i've punctuated every sentance with an emoticon XD
yup... O_O
I still find it amazing that i have kept with something for almost a year... well, more i think, this is my second account... i gave my first to my sister when i couldnt figure out how to change its name... poor thing T-T hehe.
Today is wednesday. I like wednesdays. I have my favourite shift at work *welll, it is the shortest one XD* and my favourite show is on. Spicks and Specks. Its teh best thing i have ever seen on the television. EVER!
AND when its over, i get to go for a drive with my mum *mum drives, i am too <span style="text-decoration:line-through;">lazy</span> scared to get my liscence...* to the middle of woop woop for some meeting yay...
Wow, i have written a long comment today *ish proud of ones self*</span>
Yeah, I hate the timezone thingys. I am from Australia, so i am about 17 hours off the American timezone.
But its good that there are so many people on this site, so there is usualy something to do and someone to talk to.
*crys* now i have to get ready to go to work *sob*
*Points to herself*
ily <3
Ever seen em live? They're nice boys.
I'm a douche and that's a clue.