OhHaiiTharr. How much does a Polar Bear weigh? Enough to break the ice, I'm Macey. Get it, Break the ice? HAHAHAHAH!!! Just your average nerdy girl. (Don't be jealous that I have the glasses to prove it.) Besties name= N I C K I E S A U R also known as... Nickie!!! ILY NICKIE!!! smile Err.. hmm... Oh yeah! I am 14 and I love to play Volleyball and Basketall!!! MY GAMES!!! NO STEALY!!! xD Currently sinqle, hit me up boyz! I am sure it won't be to hard for you to fall for mee. Lol Incase you wanted to know, I am a female. Well, I pee sitting down, and I have a girl avatar... Got any ideas? I don't like the idea of screamo music, but I don't judge people on the type of music they listen to... Hey, we're all different. Unless... You have a secret cloning maching and make clones of yourself. Oh Emm GEE!!! hehe... okay, So ILY guys. Hit me up... I'd really love to be your friend.What mes look likee!

I heartz me new haircut... Heeeehee

I Luff Yew Bell!!! <3 ;3