The Mechromancer Gaige's avatar

Birthday: 01/14

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Welcome to Pandora

This account is dedicated to the best and most adorable Vault Hunter, Gaige the Mechromancer. Most of the time my Avatar will reflect that, but if you can't tell by now I love making Cosplay Avi's. It's kind of my biggest hobby on here.

I really tend to only Cosplay things I am interested in. So if you notice I'm your favorite character from an anime or doing something from your favorite game, Feel free to chat me up if you like what you see.

I am really friendly and always in the mood to chat, I like lots of weird and nerdy stuff so I've got plenty to talk about.



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Diamond Matriarch Report | 08/23/2017 1:25 pm
Diamond Matriarch
Trust me sweetheart. You're opinion is very few and far in between. While there are a plethora of autistic gaian elitists that are literal encyclopedias for every single gaian item known, I'm not like that. Nobody else has entered bayonetta in the arenas using that set, so I figured I'd be the first. Once again, I'm going to say that you sound overly salty and preachy and you seem like you care far too much for something so irrelevant. Oh yeah, *claps* such a great A2 cosplay. I've already seen like 3 of those in the arenas, and guess what? bringing other people down isn't going to make you look superior or "More creative" It's going to make you look like an conceited a*****e, so have fun getting people to vote for you with a personality like that. razz
Diamond Matriarch Report | 08/22/2017 6:50 pm
Diamond Matriarch
The fact that something like this actually bothers you so much is worrysome. Perhaps you should get outside more? Spend a little less time on gaia? These are pixel avatars. If I want to enter the arenas and convince people to vote for me then I don't give a damn what you think. You just make yourself sound stuck up and conceited and overly preachy. So what if I used items from a set? I can do whatever I want, there are no rules posted that I can't enter and win at my own discretion. razz Part of winning is convincing people to vote for you. heart
Diamond Matriarch Report | 08/21/2017 10:33 pm
Diamond Matriarch
It may be an item set but it is accurate. Isn't that what the arenas is all about? Instead of being petty over an item set? I'd like to see you make something better. rolleyes
Provik Report | 01/14/2017 2:23 pm
happy bday~~
K Byron Report | 12/10/2016 3:18 pm
K Byron
K Byron Report | 12/10/2016 10:44 am
K Byron
nothing wrong with having an OC
K Byron Report | 12/10/2016 10:22 am
K Byron
new avi?
K Byron Report | 12/09/2016 7:07 pm
K Byron
to hell with the system!!!
K Byron Report | 12/09/2016 6:04 pm
K Byron
K Byron Report | 12/09/2016 5:46 pm
K Byron
do i come across as someone who plays by the rules?




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