Art i have recived over the years, or at least the pices I can find.. Wow yeah, any way Click!
A selection of just a few of the avis I've had down the years
Registered: 07/29/2006
Gender: Female
Birthday: 03/06
Occupation: Baker
Storage is useful, some times things overflow
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ahaha, it's supposed to be my ac character.
well, as close as i can get it.
heart heart
ah see in high school they required you to be in marching if you were in concert/band generally
like literally if you wanted to take band past beginner's you were required to march :^ (
oh I just did it in HS ooppsiieee
hahaha ya no marching was super fun...
but concert was far better
hahaha right?
I only played for a couple years and it's still burned in my brain!
were you in marching band?
lmao I haven't played in three lol
it's still an interesting fact, I mean I could probably play it if I got my hands on one!
thank you bae :^ )
oh I used to play flute, too~
(I ditched it mid-season to march Tuba, though)