The Faceless Old Woman

The Faceless Old Woman's avatar

Birthday: 06/10

Wish List


The Faceless Old Woman secretly lives in your home. Who doesn't know about the Faceless Old Woman who lives in all of our homes?

She does lots of things, including Bing searching for things like 'pictures of dead wolves' and 'the melting point of birds' and has been known to replace all the books in your home with other books, the covers remaining the same but the content being altered; changing every single word of some of the books, in others only a single comma on a single page.

She wants your WiFi password.

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Total Value: 2,410,220 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Black And White Vaudeville Cane
White Fleece-lined House Slippers
Colonial Stockings
P is for Purple Jumpsuit Dress

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Zwei Dunkel Jungen Report | 01/08/2014 1:58 pm
Zwei Dunkel Jungen
Holy hell, your tektek is something out of a horrific fever-dream. If you're still on Gaia, PM me and I'll donate to you so that you can make this amazing theme avi a terrible, eternal reality.
Danto2 Report | 09/18/2011 8:30 pm
Thank you for purchasing~ :3


Did you know there's a faceless old woman who secretly lives in your home? It's true. She's there now. She's always there, just out of your sight. Always just out of your sight.

Vote for me in the upcoming mayoral election.