Here's a little about me,

your neighborhood dramatic monsterMy name is Ari and I am 18 years old according to Earth Years
I Live In Texas (YAY!)
And I am currently attending college for.......
Art and Performance I am an amatuer photgrapher/writer click here--->
My Deviant Art! to see my work
I am a
NERD!I love Anime to the point of being a fangirl
Finding Nemo is my favorite movie of all time--I can quote it...word for word
I have this strange obsession with all things squishy and
cuteAnd also all things
Macabre and full of
DeathGo on, ask me about a serial killer or about cute bunnies. I'll fill your ear with idiotic facts.
I am a
spritualistI am
Insane! but aren't we all??
If you need to know anymore, then PLEASE just ask!
As I always say:
Why spend the day with strangers when you can celebrate with friends?This is my Dream Avi!!! Help This one get it and I will LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU!!! *hugs*
Avi Art- 
- Drawn by teh totally talented Fallen_Angel2004

-By Umi Moon, go check out her art she's totally kickass!!


-By the totally talented Aya, I'm jealous of her
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