The Common Singularity

The Common Singularity's avatar

Birthday: 11/08


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Hello, my dear. How are you?

Hi, I'm Mac. 3nodding

The Basics

Age: Old enough to own my collection of Disney films on VHS

Sexual Orientation: Lesbian

Likes: YOU, acting, theater, music, ballet, coffee,, God, Judaism, knee socks, vests, shih tzus, pointe shoes, bruschetta

Dislikes: bigotry, prejudice, conservatives (for the most part), being bored, brussel sprouts, fennel, skirts

I have played Gaia for years, but stopped for a while and decided to get a new account. I tend to lurk around the GD. And the LD. And the ED. It just depends what mood I am in. One thing I can always go for is a good creepy pasta thread.

On that note:

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Hehe. That face you made was funny.

Message me. I like that. And donate, I like that too. Because THIS *points downwards* is going to be very expensive.

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View All Comments

cute_prince04 Report | 12/29/2011 4:05 pm
no prob smile
2 Boys and Some Toys Report | 12/28/2011 8:09 pm
2 Boys and Some Toys
no, go away.
Amber Beale Report | 12/28/2011 12:44 pm
Amber Beale
Your welcome! biggrin
Sinister Pudding Report | 12/26/2011 12:42 pm
Sinister Pudding
Oh! 4laugh That makes me so happy.
I loved that movie.
BAKA-LOBO Report | 12/25/2011 9:43 pm
saw you somewhere and decided to let you know i like your Avi yum_donut
pidgeylala Report | 12/24/2011 10:51 pm
thank you v much
Mystery Ceres Report | 12/24/2011 10:36 pm
Mystery Ceres
You are very pretty. heart
light upon light Report | 07/27/2011 7:55 pm
light upon light
Thank you. heart
dwtmule Report | 07/26/2011 10:49 pm
you have gorgeous eyes
which i happen to be a sucker for redface
Hoboerik Report | 07/26/2011 9:05 pm
You're welcome 4laugh

I'm so terrible at the captcha things. I've failed twice so far.


I'm Mac. You should probably message me. 3nodding

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