The Balladeer

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An ex-pat New Yorker (from Lawn Guy Land no less), recently moved to Oregon. Hilarity will ensue.


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xParamoreLuva445x Report | 10/22/2009 5:46 pm
Hi Gio! Its Pretty! remember me from La Pucelle? I didnt relize you turned into a zombie. You looked healthier as a pirate. LOL
Princess_xoxo7 Report | 09/18/2009 12:19 am
congrats on coming second
Princess_xoxo7 Report | 09/11/2009 2:47 am
thank you very much smile
Princess_xoxo7 Report | 09/11/2009 2:44 am
r u donating
Arodem Report | 09/09/2009 12:13 am
Thanks for the free gold. I tried to sell you my dirty shirt in return but it wouldn't let me.
kittyqualtagh Report | 09/07/2009 12:33 am
I read some of your replies about acting, and you sound really good.

I was just wondering what shows you've been in.
(I'm sure it's a long list hahaha)
The True Diva Divine Report | 08/27/2009 10:19 am
The True Diva Divine
Hahah, yup, it's me :]
People recognize me because of my hair a lot, it's kinda funny, haha.
The show went really well! My friends called it 'legit' hahah. Everybody really really enjoyed it :]
The True Diva Divine Report | 08/27/2009 6:21 am
The True Diva Divine
Hahah, yeah, I was :] I was in the ensemble, that's really funny :] How are you?
Dragons21346 Report | 08/24/2009 12:22 am
Excuse me, ;3
I'm from that one thread you critiqued...This one..XD

I'll try fixing the heads in a bit...but I was wondering if the legs still look unbalanced right now?
cabbage_patch_doll_xoxo Report | 08/20/2009 9:08 pm
nice avi


[b:c40e07ce9c]Someone tell the story,
Someone sing the song.
Every now and then the country
Goes a little wrong.

Every now and then a madman's
Bound to come along.
Doesn't stop the story-
Story's pretty strong.

Doesn't change the song.[/color:c40e07ce9c][/b:c40e07ce9c]



Got the right
To some sun shine-
Not the sun
But maybe one
Of its beams.

Rich man, poor man
Black or white,
Pick your apple,
Take a bite,
Just hold tight
To your dreams.

Got the right
To their dreams...

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