Yeah whatever.
Random Faqs1. whats your favorite color? White and Green
2. whats your favorite food? Spaghetti
3. whats your favorite movie? Monty Python and the Holy Grail
4. whats your favorite animal? Kiwis or Pandas
5. whats your favorite web site? Gaia or myspace
6. whats your favorite song? Sonne, Whispers or Line and Sinker
7. whats your favorite artist? Whoever draws the best xD
8. whats your favorite brand name? Brand of what?
10. whats your favorite book? Oh, there are so many, my favorites are The Mortal Instrument series, The Halo series, The Abhorson Trilogy or the Abarat series
11. whats your favorite store? Target
12. whats your favorite type of car? I couldn't care less about cars
13. whats your favorite season? Summer or winter
14. whats your favorite hair style? Medium-long and wavy
15. whats your favorite TV show? Family Guy
16. whats your favorite channel? 42 after 11 PM, 60 the rest of the time
17. whats your favorite drink? Coke, or Sparkling Cider
18. whats your favorite subject/job? Being a waiter.
19. whats your favorite videogame? Halo 3 or Call of Duty 4
20. whats your favorite computer game? World Of Warcraft
21. whats your favorite time of the day? Midday or midnight
22. whats your favorite resturant? IDK.
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:3 rawr.