I'm dakotaI'm 15 and bisexual
I'm a polyartist
musician, painter, photographer.
I was born at 3 13 AM on friday, october 30th, 1993.
'twas snowing and a full moon
I have OCD and a hoarding issue I have the most wonderous of friends 'n don't want it any other way
my initials are DDR
I definitely dig industrial, techno, 'n indie
I'm taking japanese
semi-fluent in spanish
and know american sign language
I'm ambidextrous
I thrive moshing 'n crowd surfing
symmetrophobia, aibohphobia, amaxophobia.
I have the worst acid reflux ever
and am allergic to MUCH too much
I'm perhaps the most nostalgic person you'll ever meet
I love curlin' my hair
'n dressing like it's not my generation!
skirts and scarves are an absolute favourite
I wear tank tops in 10 degree weather
I love chicago
my favourite colours are indigo, then yellow-green
I adore meeting new people
so please, let's talk!
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