Tetrateratetratera is the former 9th espada, in her day she was a skilled espada who served as a hollow body guard for the king of hueco mundo known as barragan who is currently the 2nd espada. at the time of the begining of aizen's reign tetratera was terribly injured in a battle with aaroniero who had wanted her rank for a very long time, during this battle tetratera used sword and beheaded aaronerio (soonn after the battle they found a tank and place his head and his sister's head in it, becoming the espada we all know.
soon after aizen made aaroniero the new 9th espada, making tetratera a former espada.
tetratera is a very violent and hostile arrancar, her personalty is violent and dark , she does things her way and does what she wants including killing whenever she wants,when people get in her way or make her angry, people that challenge her abillity. tetratera's hollow number is locted in the middle of her chest ,when arroniero became the 9th espada, everyone decided that they'd leave her # on since she was way to violent and dangerous to touch. tetratera's hollow hole is located on her below her chest.
Tetratera's only friend is luppi because she finds him very similiar to her in rank wise because they're both former espada. tetratera doesn't believe in love ,she finds it shows that an arrancar has gotton soft and that it shows weakness.
tetratera's zanpacto looks like rapier with a extra sharp tip, the hilt is blood red and the handle is gold. her hollow form is a phoenix.
tetratera's deadliest attack is her cero , the thing that makes her cero the deadliest is because her cero is clear.
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