重音テト: A False Divascratch that, I don't really want to approve of all friends.... I have 50+ QQ
But thank you for supporting Teto. That already means a lot. heart Thank you for visiting Teto's page ~ !! c: heart
If I don't reply, don't feel upset, just know that I read your kind comments.
Please keep supporting me and I'll become better than everyone out there!
If you want to contact me ooc-ly, look down for more info.
Disclaimer :: I am NOT, and I repeat NOT the real Teto. (well this is kinda obvious lolol)
I am only a person pretending to be her. I'll reply to you as if I am Teto.
Just in case some obsessed fan gets their hopes up, I just want to say something.The site that fooled many.
Melody of Life.
what they call me ;; Kasane Teto【重音テト】
give me presents on ;; April 1st, 2008. I'm 4 years old already?! Wow, time flies by fast...
how old i look;; Currently and eternally will be 15. But is really 31...
what do you think i am? ;; Female.
unit ;; 0401. The 04's for Vipper and 01's for UTAU.
whores that made me ;;Vipper. It's those people who make fake VOCALOIDs for their own amusement. Such no-lives.
race ;; Chimera. Half human and half dragon. ~ ((actually I have no idea I am not as interested in the UTAU fandom anymore...))
i love to eat these ;; Bagettes. Or French toast. I don't care, as long as it's bread. <3
pitch that doesn't kill your ears ;; A3 - A5.
tempo range ;; 70 - 150 BPM
i sound great in these genres ;; Pop Music, Anison
how tall i am ;; 159.9 cm or 5'2"
isn't it rude to know a lady's weight? ;; 47 kg or 130 lbs
my quote for YOU ;; You're really a fool.
Everyone, including singing synthesizers, have feelings. If we sing happy songs, were happy. If we sing sad songs, were sad. Our hearts can be just like humans -- heartbroken, or in pain.
Life is like a reflection in the mirror, they crash, they restart, they uninstall, they download. Youll never know what your Master would do to you one day... That's what she said ;D

Ruko-nee seems to like me a lot. o u o
My VOCALOID and UTAUloid Familyyy ~ !! Hurt them, and I'll go chimera on you. c:

Profile made by my one and only Ruko. ~ Dont steal. Icons made by our family's Mikuo and some other people. <3 None of them are mine.