Hiyaa! ~(˘▾˘~)
I like anime, manga, books, cosplaying, and generally cute things. 。^‿^。I'm kind of obsessed with Touhou.
I've been on here since 2007!
Please call me Sarah, Puddi, or any other nickname you can think of. Heheh. (◡‿◡✿)
~ heart ~Donators~ heart ~
Alcyshy - Angel bow heart
Tyler61210 - 20k heart
Anonymous Benefactor - Fairy Wings heart
Anonymous Benefactor - Mythril Coin (5,000) heart
Amour Eternel v2 - Scarlet Sprite heart
swimchik27 - Little Black Bat and 50k heart
Aleph teh Neko - Demonbow heart
Bipolar Sox - 2k heart
-Squealerz - 4k and tickets heart
proverbialSuicide - FALLEN. FREAKIN. WISH. heart
If I haven't mentioned your name up here, PM me and I'll put it on.
.[/color:785f363882] gaia_crown
gaia_angelleft emotion_yatta gaia_angelright
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