
heart тαуяσx13 heart

tayrox13's avatar

Birthday: 04/02

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My Geeky Self

Hey 3nodding My name is Taylor, and welcome to a slice of my life. Honestly, it's nothing special. I'm just your average teenage girl, blogging about Taylor Swift and spending 90% of her life fangirling over mangas and on the internet. Seriously, that's my life.I constantly write Wattpad novels and FanFictions. I'm in my school's Creative Writing Club and have been in my schools past 2 musicals being Once Upon A Mattress and Wizard Of Oz. I am also in my church's musical called Cool In The Furnace in which I am playing the lead!!!

My dream is to become a well known singer or actor, traveling the world and making people happy by showing my talent.

heart Info About Me heart
Name: Taylor
Location: Canada
Sex: Female. I AM WOMAN
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Lessons I've learned in life, short stories and the inner world that is my mind.

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MoneyStore Report | 01/20/2014 5:19 pm
Any Time 3nodding
Ynrielle Report | 12/31/2011 3:38 pm
thanks! its still new years eve for me, though, but thanks anyways and i hope the best for you! cat_biggrin

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Welcome! Here I sell a lot of furniture and clothing items. Everything here is less than what you would pay for in a regular store, so buy something while the discounts are still on! heart


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This life is Sweeter Than Fiction <3