its about theee timee i redo this fingy soooo here goes Iam Tanner but just call me candy most people do yes iam a guy . i love screaming, singin,drums,art , and yes iam in love so ;P uhm i would say i dress emo,scene ish i love the way they look but i hate labels and labelers . soooooo yaaa i love running around nekkid so if you wanna join me just hit me up!!! biggrin OH one more the thing i people who judge people by how they look you dont know whats on the inside of that person so if ur one of them go away. AND i dont call girls hot its just rude and disrespectful i think ....so ya..age: why do u need to know u freakin stalker o.o
likes: God. anime , people who arent mean, people who dont judge people by how they look. myyy converse ,screamo,techno and any instrument
dislikes: HACKERS. labels , labelers.
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awsome avi btw hehe