Hi-ish mah name ish reika joo can calls meh reirei. =D I ish half japanese and half chinese and i live in singapore.I like/ish crazy bout...:
1. cookies o.o
2. ramdom pplz
3. curry rice!!
4. rice =D
5. ice cream
6. FMA (fullmetal alchemist)
7. Edward Elric o.o (not mr.sparkles from twilight >.> )
8. buying a FMA pocket watch >.< (when i do i will keep wif meh 4 EVA!!!!!)
9. puppies >.< =3
10. mr.banana mah soft toy thingy O.o
11. watching all FMA episodes movies OVAs and other FMA stuff 8D
12. my lil fattys!!!!!!! (my 2 lil fat doggies)
13.reading rlllllllllllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thick books =D
14.singing alone in my bedroom where nobody can hear me =D
Stuff I hate/not so crazy bout...:
1. my stupid cousin nichole (I HATE HER!!!! I WISH SHE DIE!!!!I WANA SEE HER SWEAT BLOOD!!! MUAHAHAHHAAHHAA!! o.o srry i was hyper just now.. heehee sweatdrop PS:she a year older than me and my more clever than her o.o she rlly is that stupid )
2. vegies!!! (their mah worst enemy!!!)
3. sch textbooks (their sooooooo heavy i have 2 climb up the stairs n lug my sch bag just 2 get 2 class =( T.T )
3. yuyu hakusho (srry if i sp it wrongly sweatdrop ...no offence 2 yuyu hakusho fans sweatdrop )
4. slam dunk (again no offence 2 all those slam dunk fans out their sweatdrop ...)
5. Evil narumi/naruto from mah class >.> (the reson y i call her NARUto is cause half of her name is NARUmi see thats why!!!)
6.stubbon pplz
7. mean pplz
8. ppl who think there smart but there just rlly rlly stupid
9. showoffs
10. ppl wif attitude problems
11. ppl wif thick skulls
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Put him on your
(")_(") gaiaonline profile and help him on his
way to world domination!!!=D thank joo

i adopted a chibi!
name:eddy/Edo-kun!!! ( X3 )
likes:cookies,meh o.o
doesn't like:veggies n evil narumi,pplz who are mean 2 meh and mean pplzzzz!!(narumi ish the evil lady in my class)XP
owner:TaintedAngel 445566
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!
(eddy ish mine >.> <.< )

I adopted a Music-Loving Chibi!
Ages confused ????
Like:meh,music,meh friends n cookies owo ,sweet things
Dislike:mean pplz XD,still narumi n veggies
Owner:TaintedAngel 445566
Adopt a Chibi

i adopted a chibi!
likes:cakes,cookies and sweet stuff ^-^
doesn't like:veggies n ppl who like veggies n evil narumi,pplz who are mean 2 meh and mean ppl! o.o
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!

I adopted!
Age confused ??
Likes:lolipops,meh,mah friends,cookies =P
Dislikes:veggies,mean pplz
Owner:TaintedAngel 445566
Get one now!

I adopted!
Age confused ??
Likes:being alone,singing,eating sweet things =D
Owner:TaintedAngel 445566
Get one now!

I adopted!
Age confused ??
Likes:ice cream,meh,mah friends,cookies =3
Dislikes:veggies,mean pplz
Owner:TaintedAngel 445566
Get one now!
lookie vampire knight pics!!!!!!!!


LOL sooooo funny!!!!!

yayz shiki again!!!!!LOL!!!!

lookie death note pics!!!


You Are 40% Evil

A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well.
In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil.
How Evil Are You?
You Are 40% Evil
You Are Strawberry Pocky

Your attitude: fresh and sweet
You are comforting, yet quirky. You are quietly hyper.
You always see both sides to everything.
You can bring people a much needed fresh perspective.
What Flavor Pocky Are You?
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it!
How Weird Are You?
You have an extremely high luck quotient.
Not only do you consider yourself lucky, probably everyone you know does too.
But you're smart enough to know that you've mostly made your own luck.
By being positive, open, and flexible, a lot of luck has come your way!
How Lucky Are You?
You Are a Blue Crayon

Your world is colored in calm, understated, deep colors.
You are a loyal person, and the truest friend anyone could hope to find.
On the inside, you tend to be emotional and even a bit moody.
However, you know that people depend on you. So you put on a strong front.
Your color wheel opposite is orange. Orange people may be opinionated, but you feel they lack the depth to truly understand what they're saying.
What Color Crayon Are You?
Your Spiritual Number is Eight

You bring inspiration and success into people's lives.
You understand how the world works, and you have a knack for money.
Right now, your life is all about goals and progress.
This is nothing new though - you're always moving forward.
You have a lot of perspective in life. You are able to remove your emotions and see the big picture.
You usually bet right in life. You have are intuitive and win often.
What's Your Spiritual Number?

looks funny chibis

^(above this words)i neo it not funny but me fan of these 2 shows...

^(above this words)i noe not funny but cute!!!!

looks it xxxholic black mokona!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fai pics yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=D

that my fav saying(above^ de words that one that say smile it confuses people)

naruto pics

MEH NAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

meh name in...japanese!!!(i think i used babel fish so i dont neo if it realy like it)
佐倉 (the japanese translation is sakura the flower not the name) i thinky in chinese its xiao something (well i forgot the secod word ok?!)

Total Value: 57,678 Gold
[Item Information]
Item List:
Soft Black Underwear
Silver Deluxe Holiday Legwarmers
Sexy Present (Valentines Day 2k9)
#0000FF Complex Shirt
Emo Glasses

i think these picys r from Horitsuba Gakuen

tsubasa dress up in halloween

tsubasa chronicles picys!!

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HELLLO . LONG TIME NO SEE YOU . <- tt's my msg :] /