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Have fun shopping.
- Angel
We are nowhere, [/align:8cccd17eee]
And it's now [/align:8cccd17eee]
Last Login: 11/02/2020 9:48 pm
Registered: 01/01/2005
Location: Small town in rural n.s.w. Australia.
somewhere i'll post stuff, sometimes i'll post lyrics other times i'll rant about thinfs now doing what i want them too. and even other times i may just talk about my not so exciting life.
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you're still active on this?
its great to know you love it. well you obviously do. your having another. do you know if your gonna have another son or gonna wait till the birth to find out what you've been makin'??
I bet it is hard at times being a single parent but its good to know that the father has steped up to be part of his sons life.
one question though, how the @#$%' are you single? your a way cool chick. any fella be lucky to be part of your life.
unless you've changed and turned into like, a ceral killer or something. that'd make an interesting movie. part time killer. full time mummy. razz
good on you smile
I went to Townsville for 12 months, been back in tamworth for over a year now. kinda just working constantly though. well.. 4 days on 4 days off lol.
being a mum must be a ton of funs.
hows youuu,
hows bubb?
biggrin good to know you rmemeber meee, still out in sunny gunny???
im back in tamworth now.
Also, <3 Rainbow Brite.