SHUT.IT.UP. brought to you by: shaaamwoow COOOMMMEEENNNTTSthe best kids around. ;x
Screw duhh [insert name here] wuuzzz heree mannn. I'm tired of dat mother truckin' shetttt ;D. I do muhhh own style. You hear?
EllloooohH?? Like uhh sumboooooooooooooooodeeeh ;D. EC BOC LAI BETCH.
Phuuuuuc! Shet guess who mah fawkin asian buddeh : D. Shet dis is duhh Unco Same ^__^ in duuuuuuuuh houseee. Just kiddin' babehh don't take it to duhhh hartt. <3 : D
Ohkaii shet man. : D Scan dat mother phokin' a** on duh self check out at Wal-Mart. Yesh. Duh ghettoest place. ^__^ I be like ~TAKES OFF PANTS and tries to scan ash~ PHOK. Why ain't it working D:< Fo sho man. My ashh too secksi for a price. I say....99 CENT FOO...PER HOUR : D <3
Oh... shet o__o Did you just get all of that... phok I am duh sexiest hacker ever. :] You know you love it. You mother trucker <3. Elaine ish mah lover o3o.
Eat muh pho betch. Phok dat shet. I shall now name all the phokin' YouTube asian people ;D For rizzles:
JUSTKIDDINGFILMSTHENOTORIOUSMSG. Shet ;D Did you read that? I bet you couldn't hahaha ^__^!
Kay.... See you. -PhoBetch
Hello. Do you like meh really small hack? It is saving space, and it is saving the WORLD ;D. Hello, Elaine. This is Rylie heeyah. Ofc you probably can't read this unless you copy and paste it somewhere else, but I don't care; because this hack is foh u and no one else, sonn xD. To meh, you are much more than "[21:25] RADiOPHO: the hoe next door" XD. U are like.. a cool person. so you keep livin' and later we will go to COMIC CON :0 You are as awesome; and less weird than that woman that fell in love with a rollar coaster, eheheh. DAMN; this hack is too corny... WAYY too corny. lol we are tizight like the bud brothers. Stranger: a wild p***s has appeared! the wild p***s **** **** ***. oh shet, the wild p***s just died :0.(so corny D: ) So, will you tell me how... to make the backwards b? d(O_O)b i know, it's so skillful :0 Gerard Way is detective ICE, mwahaha. I think you are going to be mad that the other hack is all gone. GONE FOREVER. Oh well, this is my tiny midget hack of awesomeness. LOL:[10:57] RADiOPHO: and i couldnt hear what obi wan was trying to tell me. I still think that's the awesomest thing ever xD. [21:26] Rawrpancakes: it's like i just hugged noel fielding. u know what, too many quotes. i am FLOODING UU. oh mahh. i just had deja vu. i had a dream where someone kept sending me a picture of a half circle and they kept saying IT'S A MAN IT'S A MAN IT'S A MAN. it was soh scareh. ARRRGENTINA. i still have no idea what to say. >.< i think i just downgraded my last hack ._. it's because i'm a penor. P P PENOR. hey man, my d**k is so long if you put it on the keyboard it will reach from A to Z. wait... s**t. uh huh. that's how i swing it. this was corny. so corny. i hate it. yours was so much better D: oh well.
U just got HACKED, son.
u just got hacked AGAIN. because i said so.don't worry. you aren't much farther from the apple tree. s**t I'M MESSING MY HAIR UP. *sits up* ok nvm. i just need to put on moar hairspray. *spraysprayspray* oh wait, what was i doing. oh yeah, HELLO ELAINE. DO YOU SEE ME STANDING HERE. I waited so long, and you weren't there xD. HEY GURRL. Mr. Holliday digs you. raaape. no just kidding. if i was a rapist, i would slither away like this *slither* so stay away from the rape cape. we both have faces, how cool is that? everythings gonna be okay. oaky. mmm, trees. i want to say something, but I don't know how to say it. oh wait, now i remember.
aim it up 12/7 :T