Syla Delaney

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I'm Luna.
I'm a girl.
I'm a pretty laid back and easy going person.

I really like fantasy and sci-fi, writing, reading, thinking, fishing, swimming, fencing, playing the cello, watching movies, playing Legend of Zelda, drawing, staying up late, and eating junk food.
I love stories of any kind, be it in a movie, a book, told, sung, anime, manga.
I'm not a FAN of anime, manga, movies, books etc, I just like a good story. I don't care how nice the art or effects are, if its not a good story, I don't care.
I hate people that are closed-minded, and overly opinionated. I don't waste my time with angry trollers, and I have a tendancy to laugh at people that I think are being stupid.
I have so many good friends, I love you all, and you each know who you are.
I don't bite, feel free to PM me any time.
I just don't accept friend requests if I don't know you in Real Life.


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Dreamcatcher_7_7 Report | 06/01/2012 5:35 pm
Hahaha thanks Liz luv ya! 4laugh
Dreamcatcher_7_7 Report | 04/12/2012 6:24 pm
In honor of your awsomeness as a friend and as a person, I have named my gaia goldfish after you. biggrin
Dreamcatcher_7_7 Report | 04/01/2012 3:16 pm
Happy birthday best friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! heart heart heart xd
AlwaysInShadows Report | 01/05/2012 1:09 pm
It's cool. You're poem was really good.
Vena Serah Report | 11/30/2011 3:47 am
Vena Serah
Haha, I feel bad though! I dont want you to think i deserted you or anything, you're awesome. But yes I have heard of the first two smile isnt jack's mannequin your favorite? or one of them. And what lunch do you have next semester? I have first right now but if I change my schedule i'll have fourth
Vena Serah Report | 11/25/2011 9:34 am
Vena Serah
I did not, sadly. But now I do! And that is a great sign.. you should listen to it. We shall make plans soon! biggrin D How was the concert? (Just saw other comment. Man, I need to update this more rather than be on tumblr. )
Vena Serah Report | 11/22/2011 10:06 am
Vena Serah
Elizabeth! I just realized how much I miss you. We haven't hung out in forever. You should call me sometime so we can change this! 912- 882-6898 is my home and 912-322-3127 is my cell.
Vena Serah Report | 10/18/2011 3:53 am
Vena Serah
Haha, I still didn't get it. What the heck?! My inbox isn't full...
Vena Serah Report | 10/08/2011 8:03 pm
Vena Serah
Hola. Sooo, I'm on! I checked my messages and didn't see any new ones though.. Did you send one? Haha
Xx-Cakes_Delite-xX Report | 07/11/2011 8:35 pm
    It's no problem!
    I have been arguing with that guy since page nine of his thread.
    He obviously shouldn't start a war unless he's positive he'll win.



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