Hey there stranger! I don't even know who you are, and guess what? OMG I'M TALKING TO YOUS! Okay, now that that is out of the way, I'm going to tell you a bit about myself: I love anime, reading, random sketching, daydreaming, acting like an idiot, randomly hugging meh friends for no reason, horseback riding, and annoying people. (Particularly meh sister, xxchocoboroxxx, so you should go annoy her too!) I also enjoy writing poetry and short stories. Another one of my favorite things to do is obsess over and read meh favorite mangas: Inuyasha, Fullmetal Alchemist, Pita Ten, Tokyo Mew Mew...etc. Also enjoy... A Little Snow Fairy Sugar, Kamichama Karin Chu, Naruto, and Cardcaptors. (These I like to include too: Hamtaro and Sailor Moon! :3) I'm friendly but not too friendly, I'll smile but I won't smile 24/7, I'm funny to a point where you just forget to laugh (lol), I'm nice but I won't lend you everything I own, and I'm spazzy.... Oh what the heck! I'm always spazzing! XD I'm sorry if I've ever cracked down hard on people's avatars in the arenas, but that's the way it is! Just like a nose, everyone has an opinion. Sorry if you don't appreciate mine... *Smiles cheerily*My time is running quite short...
Opps I forgot to tell you my name! *Starts to cough*
Ack! Just let me get a glass of water....
I suppose if we meet again, I'll talk. See ya! (Coughing)
Signed, I wish you good fourtune,

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