YO! haha My name is Adam.-Male.....I love music! I like eclectic music....Eclectic meaning that I like various different types...I like everything from Screamo to classical and contemporary. I like techno to hip-hop. Can't say im a fan of Rap or country but I still like some of it but not most of it. I Also love Lady GAGA! she deserves her own genre of music....so yo, don't hate! DONATE! to charities to help unfortunate children, homeless, and anyone thats disabled....animals too! AND ERASE THE HATE!
What'd ya say?
Be my friend?
....i say yo because i do...its not weird, try it!
---[]--- put this
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---[]--- gaia page
[][][][] if your
---[]--- not embarrased
---[]--- to tell
---[]--- others that
---[]--- your a
---[]--- Christian
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