Hm... How is gingerbreads racist? o.o;
Is there a phrase or slang I'm missing some where..? Dx
And I don't know.. It could be racist, but not offensively so (imo).
Technically if you stereotype it's being racist, but honestly I don't see why people take offense so easily at those types of things. Dx
Yeah.. It's pretty cold and bad here too. u.u''
My new shoes have a hole developing in them already.. =/
Any how, I'm off for tonight.
Have a wonderful day. xx
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I had no childhood. D:
Why do you need to go out? ;o
Was a bit sick over the weekend. Dx
Is there a phrase or slang I'm missing some where..? Dx
And I don't know.. It could be racist, but not offensively so (imo).
Technically if you stereotype it's being racist, but honestly I don't see why people take offense so easily at those types of things. Dx
And yeah, it was fun talking to you too. =)
Btw, love your new avatar. o.o;
My new shoes have a hole developing in them already.. =/
Any how, I'm off for tonight.
Have a wonderful day. xx
Immigration is a big deal here.. Dx Mostly people blaming Mexico. :3
But yeah, I know what you mean. u.u''
A lot of those problems persist in other countries too.. =/