Hi, welcome to my profile. My name is Leah. Call me Popia, Morgan, Milly, or SM. I am from California, and I still live in California. I am 13 years of age. I blow out the candlez on August 10th. I expect presents (JK).
I do not judge people by wealth, but by personality. I probably won't respect or like you if you're a total a**, but if you're somewhatt nice, then you have a chance at being my friend.
Do I have a lover? Noo, I don't. I am giving my heart to anyone who wants it, well, if I want to give it to them! heart
I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. Currently I am living with my mother and sister. My mother and father split up when I was 1 1/2. I still think my dad is a fat b*****d who doesn't gaf about me, my brothers, or my sister. He can smd.
When I am old enough, I plan to attend Stanford University and become a kindergarten teacher. I want to do this because I love kids. I want to help them become helpful, kind children, so they can actually get somewhere in life.
My very best friend on gaia/skype is Noir Foxx...aka Ringo. He is always there for me. Yes, we have been in fights where we thought we were both retarded, but we always recover, and still love each other! Thank you for being the very best Ringo, and always being there when I need you (:
My life is a living hell hole. My sister treats me like crap. My mom blames me for w/e my sister does, and more. I don't need any of you guy's crap if that is what you want to give me.
I am currently in 7th grade, most likely going into 8th next year. 7th grade is the 2nd year of middle school. Yes, I am young. I have been told that I am mature, it's just how I was raised. Deal with it, I don't like being made fun of.
I hope you all enjoy being my friend. I try my best to be a kind, loving person. I hope to stay in touch with my friends in gaia/skype for a very long time. I love you all, but gtfo my profile ^^
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