Hey guys, I'm Lakshmee. I know that my name is kinda complicated so just call me Reika.
I'm 16 and I was born on the 28th of November. I'm in my fifth year of secondary school and have 2 more years to go till I go to University.
I live in Mauritius and I'm sure that most of you don't know where it is situated...well take your atlas and look for it! V_V
My fave subjects are biology, maths and additional mathematics (which is supposedly tougher that maths). I totally love addmaths and many ppl think that I'm weird cuz of this >_<
I would like to become a Doctor in the future, maybe a paediatrician cuz I really love kids ^_^
I talk French in my country as well as english. I also know some Japanese, Italian, German & hindi words.
I love new friends so feel free to add me, I won't ever refuse your request. ~_^
Oh n I also hav a friend here on Gaia, Pop Fortunate Girl , she is a really kool gal n she is also my best friend in real life so beware if u hurt her!
My dream avi right now is :-

Total Value: 481,511 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
Ribbon Luv Sleeves GoldPoinsettia HairpieceMagical GirlEnchanted StringsElegant Feathered Mask (Red Pinions)Chyaku Norisu ScarfHermes' Moon 7th genFausto's Bottle 3rd gen.Christian Siriano's Magenta Flow Gown by the way donation are welcome ^_^
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