Let me tell you about the birds and the beesand the flowers and the trees
the moon and the stars
and a thing called... Love.
Maybe some other time...
Now, about me...
It was the year of 1992, when a bright young woman was born on Portuguese soil, named after Russian emperors and that Portuguese/English princess brat the introduced the five o'clock tea to those savages.
End of History lesson.
My favorite movies are The Matrix (only the first one), The Village and Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amelie. I like a bunch of series called Continuum, Veronica Mars.
About books..I'm a huge fan of Lord of the Rings, Hobbit and Simarillion and many others...
Currently I'm studying Medicine, and enjoying every single second of it, even when she reduces my life to study and breathing. smile
Feel free to comment on my own description of.. well... Myself. At least you get some gold for that
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Can you help some friends out of mine by looking up the 10,000,000 Page Forum and chat in it with them, they need some new ppl ASAP, they are all wonderful nice Gaians!!!!