Birthday: 08/01
As you know, my name is Phoebe! Since some people don't know how to say it...It's like Fee-bee. I don't know why people say it like Foe-eh-bee or Foo-bee but,haha! I'm not a very good writer so please correct my grammar! I like writing about thing
Come see my drawings at deviantart: harajukuxoxlove
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So here are the dreams I had.
The first one went like this:
So it is after church. I get up and you are already talking to her. (I do have good hearing so this is plausible.) I heard her say "Ya, I really like Brent." I was soooooooooooooooooooooo happy. In the dream, I was covering my mouth and I ran. But when I woke up, I felt SO horrible. I still feel bad about it.
The second one was harder to remember but she and I were hugging.
Her Facebook picture now is so........<3<3<3<3
I will get you another script on Sunday.
i normaly do atleast 30 Owo;;
you know what works..
and i think that
would work fine... lol
student council
now i feel bad again. maybe we should go talk to her or something =/
but do you think shes over me?? or not?
give me advise!! D'=
i dont know how to handle something like that =[
student council