About .________.

Comment & Private Message

:ARROW: See that wishlist down there? Mint thinks you know what to get her.
Mint has been on Gaia since February 18, 2007. But this is her second account here. She is too lazy to tell you why she switched.

Mint can be spotted frequently in the GD. Especially in Uptight Prude topics, since she is a verry big fan. You can also Spot her in zOMG, but she is a 10.0 so she will be found running around Gold Beach so she can get to Shallow Seas and Otami Ruins.

She doesn't mind improper grammar or spelling when conversing to others, because her's could be bad or even worse. But she doesn't want you talking "1337" or speaking like Tara Gilespie.

- Trish a dish: Dodo Bird
- Brandon Baker: 15k
- bermuda square: 1.5k
- Poysonful Cuppycake: Spring Nymph, Koi, 4k, Biancamella 6th Gen.
- Raspberry Whirl: Holly Jolly Mittens, Two Pence Second Gen.
- amusedandconfused: Angry Vein Mood Bubble
- Fairy~Nuff: Striped Stockings, 6x Blue Daffodils, Nitemare Claws, April Sealed Letter 09
- An anonymous benefactor: Clown Nose, Sakura Blossom Hairpin, Strength Rod, Sacred Leaf, Candy Corn Witchling Hat, Pinwheel, Nightwind Dragon Slippers

People who are nice, or just want to brag about their richness by giving Mint free stuff! Hey even if they brag it is free stuff, so I don't care! So thanks for the items!

*Mint also seems to get a lot of gifts From "An anonymous benefactor", Who ever you are she says, "thanks!"