WellOhey c:
I'm Melissa ^-^ I am 16 years young and I am Batman if you were not informed.
I would take a good horror movie over a walk on the beach anytime. Im a hoper, a dreamer and free-thinker. I really couldn't care less what people think of me and I like it that way. My family comes first and my bestfriends are my life. I dont like many people but i'm easy to get along with. I am currently in grade 10 and loving it.
Like most people, music is my life and without it I'm not sure what my life would be like :p I lovelovelovelovelove Tyler Carter and Jonny Craig<3
In my free time i like to play soccer, rugby, lacrosse,:3, attempt to sing, draw, paint and, write poetry :3, Be Batman c: And all that fun stuff.
I'm not like most girls...apparently, i am not afriad to break a nail -.- or look like a fool. I am not a fan of brand names, i dont like feeling like a walking billboard. :3 I don't care what people say about me or label me as.
I have different views that not everyone will agree with. I am very open minded and will try to see things from your perspective c: Also, the peace sign, before it was adopted by hippies was called "Nero's Cross" which symbolized the destruction of christianity, it was an upside down broken cross in a circle. Used to mock Christ and his followers, If you hadn't caught on I'm christian and very proud of it. <3
I suppose that is all for now razz PM me if you have any questions ;P
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;| just saying.. Like yah know ... Lmao .. ! <3