♥HAI 2 U♥ME DOMINATRIX <3georgiakiki95 is mah "little girlfriend"DearSweetDarrian is gunna have my baby [Lol]Thaalos be my #1 pimp/fanboy/manL0VER-Willful Suffocation-'s My sugarcutsieConjectural Thrall makes me "SQUEE <3"Dripping Scarlet is mah daughter!Kuroyuki Soru ish meh Reita! xDDD <33My name is Chrissto-Shaant, bishes! Here's some information about me:
age... 23 yrs. young!
sexuality ... gay, sweetheart! <3
location... Tokyo, Japan
favorite colors... pink & purple
hobbies ... kinky sex, drinking [i be an alcoholic xD], S&M, smoking, partying, more sex, shopping for bondage, chasing men, playing guitar, shopping for clothes, designing graphics, more sex, listening to music, drinking, playing instruments.
bands ... Blaqk Audio, Paramore, jigoro, ZYRO, Tokio Hotel, Dir en Grey, the GazettE, Devil Kitty, Kra, capsule, Kagrra, ARTS, 12012, Happy Hardcore, Aira Mitsuki, Zwei, U2, Kerli, Bjork, Deftones, Tsuyoshi Domoto.
I'm a pretty happy guy! I love being nice to people.
I love bondage. Teehee, s&m. Sex is awesome.
I'm no whore, don't get me wrong. I'm picky.
But if you're hot ... WHY THE HELL NOT? <3
unless you piss me off. D:
I am the self-proclaimed "Queen of Ghetto"
don't make me snap on you.
»HAI 2 U«

[M]iyavi . . . sexy spazz.
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