
I'm comrade Loafers S. Dema and I love weed, CATS, salvia, ( for special occasions) vodka, and unfortunately, tobacco. I strongly recommend you try at least two of thee above. I kinda quit gaia but I might kinda rejoin i dunno.... and stuff... >_> ..... And don't forget toast.

Here I am: User Image

Yes, I rp. This is my character gents and ladies.

Full Name: Loafers S. Dema

Nicknames: Loaf, Loafy, Loafer, Loafski, loofer.

Race: barely human

Weakness: Magic. Loafers hates fighting magic. Cold as well. Besides just hating the feeling with a passion, it makes his fingers numb and hard to use. He may not be able to regenerate if his body is nearly completely destroyed before he can do that.

common equipment: Molotov cocktails, opium pipe, assorted narcotics and cans of uber flammable extra compressed gas.

Pets: A small cat named Carlton. He has short black fur, yellow-greenish eyes and he whines a lot. He rarely appears. It is unknown if he is just a regular cat but anyone who has known Loafers for long enough will doubt that as his cat has been around seemingly as long as Loafers has.

common weapons:

The Reaver - A beautiful custom-made black revolver. Designed by one master inventor to do nothing more than what was expected of it. It will never misfire or brake with regular usage.

- a regular switchblade

-sometimes carries around a finely crafted cutlass with an ornate golden hilt and guard.

Physical Traits:

overall : His appearance is pretty much that of my avatar.

Age: Looks sixteen. His actual age is a little over one-hundred. He's forgotten the date of his birth.

Sex: male

Eyes: lime green

Height: 6"

Weight: 130 lbs

Scars: none

Tattoos: none

Teeth: perfect

Hair: like on avatar but with random bits of bleach on the light-blue base.

Voice (or voice-actor): Loafers has a light Russian accent.

Personality: He is selfish, aggressive, vain, and hates authority and people who are full of themselves. He doesn't have much regard for life.

Fears: Bugs, pain, heights and being disfigured. Dieing, powerlessness, growing old. He doesn't like needles.

What does he hate you ask? : Narrow-minded assholes, Arrogance, and people with too much power. People like him.

but what does he like? : himself, power, vodka, cigarettes, weed, toast, music, cats, killing people if he's in the mood.

Background: When he was younger, Loafers made a pact with a spirit that granted him great powers and stopped him from aging. It is unknown whether he has any family or where he came from.

Abilities: Loafers is very dexterous and is stronger and a hell of a lot faster than regular humans. He can use a little magic, his specialty being creating illusions that can fool most of the senses. Perhaps his most useful power (and annoying to his enemies) is the ability to regenerate body parts, though it does take it's toll on him. It was said by someone that he once survived a bullet to the head, that someone was later found dead with a ninjoto shoved down their throat. Obviously he was a little embarrassed that he had let himself be taken down with one shot.

his theme song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xryBHfcQsD8

Favorite Saying: "...you've done all sorts of amazing things, but you haven't really done anything that benefits me."- Reaver (Fable2)

Favorite way to travel: in a yellow submarine

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Viewing 12 of 14 friends


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Vertigo Kaiju

Report | 03/28/2011 8:45 pm

Vertigo Kaiju

Wait, what? xD
Yeah, Rancid is totally awesome. Matt Freeman is one of the most amazing bassists in the world.

But uh, anyway. Send me a link or an invite and I'll check it out.
Phoenix Witch

Report | 03/28/2011 11:00 am

Phoenix Witch

um.... Hi, im fireflywitch16. I want to know why you gave me an invite to your guild? Im not tryin to say anything bad but im just asking. Dont take it offensive but your emo style i find it erotic lol

Report | 03/13/2011 9:29 pm


sorry its a private matter, and no offense, but, i dont know you well enough to talk about it

Report | 03/13/2011 8:51 pm


no i do not

Report | 03/13/2011 6:52 pm


no offense but the reason its a trial is because( and i hope you dont mind but it was just too...similar not to let my friends see your story) the story you gave me is almost a mirror of what happened in our guild...it's almost too...convenient...

Report | 03/13/2011 6:25 pm


ehhh...i guess ill join on a trial basis. not post until i feel like making it permanent if thats alright with you...

Report | 03/11/2011 4:24 pm


idk lol
Nikkie is random

Report | 03/11/2011 1:30 pm

Nikkie is random

hai loafers!

Report | 03/08/2011 8:03 pm


punk..!!! xp

Report | 02/10/2011 12:44 pm


yes i too believe i have good taste in music, thank you.


You catch more flies with dead bodies..
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