
Storm_Fighter_Alchemist's avatar

Last Login: 04/04/2018 9:39 pm

Registered: 11/03/2007

Gender: Female


You Are From Neptune

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You are dreamy and mystical, with a natural psychic ability.
You love music, poetry, dance, and (most of all) the open sea.
Your soul is filled with possibilities, and your heart overflows with compassion.
You can be in a room full of friendly people and feel all alone.
If you don't get carried away with one idea, your spiritual nature will see you through anything.

What Planet Are You From?

Your Element Is Water

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A bit of a contradiction, you can seem both lighthearted and serious.
That's because you're good at going with the flow - but you also are deep.

Highly intuitive, you tune in to people's emotions and moods easily.
You are able to tap into deep emotional connections and connect with others.

You prefer a smooth, harmonious life - but you can navigate your way around waves.
You have a knack for getting people to get along and making life a little more peaceful.

What's Your Element?

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What type of Fae are you?

You Are 6% Evil

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You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

How Evil Are You?


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Yo. My name is Storm Fighter Alchemist, but most people call me Storm. I like creating sprite comics, playing on the computer, playing my PSP, bugging the crap out of my siblings, listening to Jeff Dunham, writing, drawing, painting, singing, playing piano, and meditating. I cannot stand bikes (due to multiple accidents, one which landed me in the hospital), idiots who don't know when to shut up, and people with no sense of humor. I don't like revealing too much about myself, but I'm very artistic, especially in the music department, and i'm also very protective of those whom I am close to. Want to know more? Send me any questions.


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grievances_of_the_fallen Report | 07/14/2010 7:42 pm
rawr rawr rawr ^_^
asddsa28 Report | 06/26/2010 4:43 am
cool avi
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 06/19/2010 12:59 pm
Check your friend request NOW!!!! lol
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/24/2010 2:02 pm
Lol yeah there were like two or three maybe... -sighs- Maybe they didn't do go through
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/24/2010 1:58 pm
Well you hadn't responded to any of my PMs or anything so I just kinda figured.

And heheh yeah that'll get yah pretty good.
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/24/2010 1:41 pm
Rawr!! Soooo did I do something that possibly maybe pissed you off or something?
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/19/2010 1:01 pm
Gah girl come on... atleast say Hi... Haru is back! And you are too!! Wootz!!
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/14/2010 4:22 pm
How are you guys on at the same time... oh hell I don't care -tackles to the ground and smothers in a hug- I MISSED YOUZ
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/06/2010 4:32 pm
It okay... and omg you really are confusing me with the account changing sweatdrop
Grieving_wolf_daemon Report | 05/06/2010 3:48 pm
Am back ^_^ and I has posted... um do you remember how to change profile videos?


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