Biographical Notes
This fabulous profile was created especially for me
by the Owl's Eyes Art Shop!
Stella is Often Away from her Gaia Home...
IRL I have two children and we have Myalgic Encephalomyelitis. The cause is unknown and there's no definite treatment. So there's lots of advocacy needed for research and patient services.
What M.E. does is... causes all-over body pain, especially after exertion. The least exertion can trigger pain and exhaustion. Walking the dogs one block. Washing the dishes. Grocery shopping? A nightmare. In addition to pain and exhaustion, dizziness, nausea, blurred vision, confusion, fainting, difficulty reading and remembering and processing information, sensitivity to light, noise, smells, chemicals. Imagine mononucleosis/glandular fever that never ever goes away.
We sustain damage to our hearts, our brains, our immune systems---and since we can hardly function, our social lives. And it's hard to get people to understand because they only see us on a good day when we're able to go out, and we don't look sick.
Every person caring is one more person who won't let this get swept under the carpet.
This documentary in 6 parts adds up to about an hour but has excellent info if you can take the time.
A new documentary is in production and the trailers here are a good brief intro.
Healthy people really need to get informed about this because it is infectious and too little is being done to stop it. My kids and I have only been sick since May 2007 but if government health agencies had done their job 25 years ago we might not be sick today.
For more info see PANDORA. Let's stop the spread and devastation of this disease. And now back to our pixelated fun.
Currently displayed in my pictureframes:
Left, Stella Meowris by blue-owl.
Right, Zoe Kite by Autio Ainoa.
Thank You, Arena Voters!
Art by blue-owl
Stella is an alternate account of Trespassers W,
the Gaian formerly known as Creek..Feet.
People call me Stella, Tres or Creek.
Victorians of good breeding, who have read and been moved by the works of Mr. Dickens and to whom fortune has been kind, frequently select a favorite charity to which we volunteer our efforts and a percentage of our gold. My charitable home is Wild Things.
An Ellie-Glomp!
by Autio Ainoa, her avi and mine.
Happy Halloween from Stella and Ellie!
Also by Autio Ainoa.
Calling Cards
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lately i've had an odd affinity for cranking out shiny pink things, even though i usually don't care for pink.
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