HeeyyyMynameIsLizzie :] I have an awesome bf n my awesome friends on gaia! i love Twilight :PnilovetohangoutwithmyfriendsAmoryPaz
I adopted a Neko! Name: Luner Likes: Vampires, sushi, Guns!, video games, friends Doesn't Like: annoyin pplz which is no one ^_^ Owner: Stars52003 You can adopt one too!
GODD DAMN IT WOMEN THATS NOT MY FU*KING NAME!!!! DDD<< and whet do you think i asked you to tell me what you think after you wtched them.....great just the way i wanted to start my day just fu*king great....
ok then....you dont seem mad anymore....if you are then watch the w=videos i told you to....they are on my profile.....and if you dont you aernt my mommy any more....
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