Fly Higher
I was one in middle school, we all were. Now I whine about class but have a reason to.
I was one in middle school, we all were. Now I whine about class but have a reason to.
My mermaid sister, she rocks!!
He is my very best friend fom school, his nick name is Kitty!! He is very funny and charming! HE IS THE BEST AT DRAWING!!!
This girl rocks...WORDS!!! She writes beautiful poems, you wanna see well, click her and follow her links
This dude has the best avi he is also very charming!
Dark, yet charming and poetic!!
She is very cool but a little random, but I love her anyway! Her nickname is skunkie cuz she turns into a skunk often!
My awesome twinny! She helped me when I was in a time of need. :3
My awesome bro!!! He makes me laugh.
He is awesome and without him I would be dead. ANd all memory of me would be gone. He totally rocks!!
she is the mother of yorshrunsquarkjernerstrink!!AND MY NEW MERMAID SISTER!!!
New friends, (HE IS AWESOME!!)But he never responds to me
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Wow, that's pretty awesome that your dad is cool like that. :3 Maybe you can watch him and learn? I'm trying to learn from my mom so I can cook her stuff if/when I ever get married. xD Or... you know... just for me if I stay single. lol