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me, stargirllaine123! <3

stargirllaine123's avatar

Last Login: 07/30/2011 4:31 pm

Gender: Female

Location: somewhere

Birthday: 09/18/1993

Occupation: something

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About Me! <3

ello mello!!! i'm a retarded anime-luver girl!!!! i love anime so much!!! i love all of japan, and all of...idk....
so yea, i'm an anime fangirl, who is inlove wit sir aaron, ren, steven stone, riley, romeo, jin, jo, hikaru, and dante, and also, a lot more of them that i fergot...
of course, i'm a pokemon fangirl, but o well...
and i did not rape any anime guy, yet!!!
and no!!! i don't want luigi... i want mudkip...

My Comments! <3

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Miss_Contortifid Report | 05/24/2009 12:49 pm
Yes, I does!!!!!!
stargirllaine123 Report | 05/20/2009 8:48 am
ugh srry ppl i've been gone.... the internet hatez meh.... T.T
dragonwarriorlord Report | 02/17/2009 3:52 pm
copy/paste this to 10 ppl and then press F5 and F9 and you will get 100,000 gold it rocks trust me
Miss_Contortifid Report | 01/08/2009 3:49 pm
buy it at skin tyte, its a potion
jellyjigglerrox Report | 12/17/2008 4:32 pm
on youtube my name is jellyjigglerrox, my picture is of hikaru and haruhi, umm is it true that kaname is yukis brother (if so i think i accidentally read a spoiler on youtube) is number 11 of chibi vampire out yet? i must read it if it is!!!!! lol kentas 4 years old!
jellyjigglerrox Report | 12/16/2008 4:41 pm
oh yea and OF COURSE i like the higurashi music, OH!!!!! do you have a youtube account? if so PLEASE give me the name so i can add you to my friends list, I HAVE to show you some higurashi videos, they are so funny
jellyjigglerrox Report | 12/16/2008 4:39 pm
CHIBI VAMPIRE!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!! ive read the manga and seen the anime, but they are still making the manga, they only have 10 so far. The anime is called Karin. its pretty cute smile I accually just started reading the manga and watching the anime for vampire knight, who do you like better zero or kaname? i dont know which one i like better yet, hmmmmm..... lol shion and mion, ugh creepy, haha rena scares me.....
jellyjigglerrox Report | 12/15/2008 4:31 pm
omg you watch higurashi to!!!!! haha its REALLY creepy isnt it? haha, i have to re-watch it from the beginning because i stopped watching once and when i went back to watch it, i didnt understand what was going on, so back to episode 1! haha, the story is cool how it starts off with a new begginining after a couple episodes (well they kinda have too i guess because all the characters died) so how far did you get on it? OK so now..... HIKARU AND HARUHI FOREVER!!!!! they are so cute together!!!!! if you read the manga, book 10 it turns into a drama they didnt put into the anime, it invloves hikaru, haruhi, and KAROU!!!!! and of course annoying tamaki, he is funny enough by himself, but he doesnt look cute wiht haruhi, NO!!!!! haha so watch any new animes other than that lately? have you heard of any of these? Shugo Chara, Princess Tutu? they are both really good, Princess Tutu is really cute, and Shugo Chara is awsome. Haha in Shugo Chara there is a guy with dark blue hair that is WAY cooler than sir aaron could ever be (sorry its the truth!!!!!) haha wow thats a long comment!!!!! comment back please, i havnt talked to you in so long!!!!!
billybobjoebob04 Report | 10/14/2008 1:51 pm
Miss_Contortifid Report | 10/04/2008 12:31 pm
I bought vampire potion stuff at skin tyte

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