The Girl
Gaia asks me my name, my birth date and it wants to know something about me... I think it fell in love for me ._. Well, I think it's better answer the questions!Name: Selly
Birth Date: 07/30
I guess that is it. Maybe not.
PS.: My english is too bad! Sorry about some kind of grammatical mistakes >_<'
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i know we really haven't talked in a WHILE, ever since imvu xD
but i just wanted to say happy birthday! 8DD
hope to maybe talk to you soon c:
And you're welcome.
That's one way to lower the world population. razz
Down fifteen shots of your favorite liquor, and take fifteen of your favorite pill drug, all while smoking fifteen of your favorite flavored Swishers.
But you need to do it in a precise order.
My combination is Aftershock, Speed, and a Grape Swisher.
I'm surprised I'm not dead yet.
.........imagine if that were true. XD
XD ...
¬¬" ok, I'll stop to be freak...
add meu msn... tou em off:
eu sou de São Paulo...
And yes, Canada is "da bomb".
Ha, well the winter here is lame.
You'll like it I'm sure though smile