Hello there fellow kittens and blue butterlies...or creepers...I hope your not a creeper, I already have enough stalkers in real life, THANK YOU VERY MUCH! Now if you don't mind creepers I will ask you to leave... ~gestures to door~
Sorry about that...freakin creepers... cat_stare
ANYWAYS, I guess lets state some things about me...
[img][IMG]http://i798.photobucket.com/albums/yy264/SageWMcCoy/kitten.gif[/IMG][/img] cat_4laugh
I LOVE CATS!!!!No I am not an old lady with 20 cats living alone...I just adore them and want to cuddle them :3
I absoulutly LOVE the color blue! Always has been, always will!
I am not the type of girl who likes overly pink, overly girly and overly cute things, and I absoulutly dislike "KAWAII DESU~" Jeeeezzz IT DRIVES ME NUTZ! cat_scream
I like classical and rock bands mostly...like Three Days Grace, Skillet, and Breaking Benjimen, Siberian Orchestra, Nightwish...
Confession:I don't really understand role play but I am trying to learn... cat_sweatdrop
Um, I really like to write stories if I have a certain topic to follow and I like hearing people talk about their dreams...so if you want stories or you need a person to talk to about dreams, I am your lady!
My personality type: In real life I am more of the laid back type (according to my friends) but on the internet I am more out going!
My fav drink: Herbal tea in the Spring and Summer and Earl Grey tea in the winter and Fall...
I really enjoy sketching and drawing, my friends say I am pretty good at it cat_biggrin
Dang, I sound like an old lady...I AM NOT! I PROMISE!
So um...yeah...wanna be friends? cat_neutral
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