
sortskjebnen's avatar

Last Login: 05/07/2022 6:42 am

Gender: Male

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Need more moneys!


Those who suffer


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Juna Fae Report | 07/23/2010 8:24 pm
Juna Fae
Hay. I was just going threw all of my sujested friends and you interested me. So I thought that I would stop by and say hi. ^^
Vexyvampire Report | 03/22/2010 7:18 pm
Happy b-day
Vexyvampire Report | 04/25/2009 9:10 am
hope all going good with u
Vexyvampire Report | 03/23/2009 11:11 am
happy bday
Vexyvampire Report | 03/15/2009 5:22 pm
viincent how are u hun
Vexyvampire Report | 02/13/2009 5:24 pm
dude whats up i miss u XD
Classy_Clarinet Report | 01/13/2009 7:16 pm
i love all of your photography...i just wanted to know...

1. what kind of camera do you use?

2. does it have a fast shutter?

3. did it come with a photo shop? if not what do you use?

4. what computers does it work your camera on?

thanks again...



"ill lend you, little time a child of mine

For you to love, while she lives

And mourn for when shes dead

In lifes lanes, I have selected you

Now will you give her all your love

Nor think the labor vain

Nor hate Me when I come to call to

Take her back again" - Saltillo, Giving In
Vexyvampire Report | 01/10/2009 1:34 pm
Hi there its been a long time my friend i miss you and our chats lol
work14 Report | 12/28/2008 11:04 am
hello User Image
Vexyvampire Report | 12/26/2008 9:31 pm
Hope ur doing well