About me (*w*)
Hiya I'm Sora Mayku
I'm belgian and I live in France (Chatou near Paris). Before I lived 3 years in japan.
I'm 22 years old student maried to a japanese (so not looking for BF haha)
I want to become Character designer for Video Games
I speak French, Dutch, English and usual Japanese.
I Like: Online games (FFXI,...), video games, Drawing, sleeping (lol), Karaoke, reading, listening to music, cats....and more and more...(will stop boring ppl with my life ^^)
So have fun here! (*w*) Yoroshiku!
To see more stuff from me:
http://mayku.sheezyart.com/ (SA art gallery)
http://mayku.deviantart.com/ (DA art gallery)
http://s.mayku.googlepages.com/ (official site in construction)
My dreams avatar:
And don't forget to vote on the art arena plz ^_^ thank you
Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Many many ppl ask me via PM to draw they avi.
Please read my message just here before PMing me:
"I'm sorry everyone.
I can't draw your avi for free or for 2K....
Even my art shop isn't open anymore because I got too mutch askings to do in one time.
If you want a drawing, my auction is open. (or will soon reopen).
Also I offer a freebie if ppl help me buming or are kind on there.
I would like that everyone could have a picture made by me but sadly I don't have 10 hands and not 48hours in a day. Also I'm realy busy in my studies and life. ^^;
So for my auction look at my sign.
And I'm sorry again everyone, but please understand me ;_;
Anyway, thank you for all your support and kind comments about my art. ^^ "
Sora Mayku
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Can you draw manga? If yes, are you interested in earning Gaia gold for drawing manga?
Just thought I'd comment... I haven't talked with you in a long time!!