Hello there stranger, Welcome to my profileLet me tell you a few things about me,
My name is Samantha,
I'm 27. <- Holy s**t I'm 27.....
I dye my hair a lot. It's currently red violet
I'm very short, I'm only 5'3.
I love reading. I also hate television.
I tend to be a little shy at times but isn't everyone?
I live in Texas
I was born on November 5th .
I'm pretty much an open book, you can ask me almost anything and I'll answer honestly.
I love random friend requests so feel free to send me one heart heart .
If you can't use proper grammar or you beg all the time, don't bother adding me.
I believe that is the most important things. Alright well, stalk me into towns, rally or send me a PM.
I love you heart