Something about me.......Well, I'm alsways adventurous and love the outdoors. Reading books that have a great story and always fast pace, it never hurts to get sucked into a book. Drawing would have to be my passion, it somehow just calms me as the pencil glides gently across the blank peice of paper. I have a fettish with dragons, but also love all the big mythical beasts. I'm not as outgoing as I wish to be, with being shy around new people. I have a boyfriend whose the love of my life, an amazing one he is. Also video games are the best, anything with strategy and great action shoot-em-up kind of things. Those were mostly my hobbies, but in general I live a good life with a nice family to make my everyday life that much more wonderful.
Its not what road you take, its what you kill along the way.

I adopted a winged wolf!
Name: Keold
Age: 3 months
Likes: Flying and chasing the neighbors cats
Dislikes: the cats getting away
Owner: Sonora_Redwing
Get one now!
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