
yo sal here, professional oc, hearty ********, an' rated no1 certified sexy ugly demon.
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i hang 'round the gcd an' runway theses day but i'm mostly on discord. not too keen on givin that out unless i knows ya. sorry but eh..send me a pm. we'll see where it goes.

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pronouns: he/him or they. my character is male so i have no issue havin ya address me as such. "they" also works.

the twitter it mostly used to follow bands an' obscure british comedians. y'all should listen to the cheapshow podcast. for reals.

Current Quest:
watever on my wishlist. i know i got ******** all on there. hard out there for a dude avi on gaia.


don't bother thankin me for buyin from ya shop.
ya got my gold, i got the item. lets leave it at that.

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Sometimesalways writes random stuff.

Random thoughts and insights.



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Kian Suijin

Report | 09/24/2024 9:06 pm

Kian Suijin

Kian Suijin

Report | 08/15/2024 6:47 am

Kian Suijin

If you kinda look like that i gotta ask why you aint already in a magazine?
Kian Suijin

Report | 08/14/2024 3:51 pm

Kian Suijin

Your current avatar looks really nice just thought I'd let you know if they see since we haven't spoken in a while due to my antisocial self.
Slick Southpaw

Report | 12/18/2023 1:51 pm

Slick Southpaw

lol I have it in my head that your username is sal and I'm always so confused when I look at my friends list or on discord xd
De Tomaat

Report | 12/10/2023 3:20 pm

De Tomaat

Oh yeah paw items are just super rare as is but you look great!
De Tomaat

Report | 12/10/2023 10:40 am

De Tomaat

Hi I just wanna say I didn't know you had a tiny Sal he looks cool emotion_c8

Report | 10/30/2023 3:07 pm



    fuxxkin dead

    dammit xX
    thx for the quick reply


Report | 10/30/2023 2:35 pm


    hey~! i was wondering if you know
    how you unlocked the "fxxkin" title
    never seen b4; must have >~<

    almost missed how your oc's name
    is in your username
    very clever
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Gay Space Rock

Report | 06/25/2023 5:22 pm

Gay Space Rock

thank you for the undies
Gay Space Rock

Report | 05/20/2023 5:30 pm

Gay Space Rock

thank you for the item heart


call me sal, its easier.
desire is more powerful if it stays as desire
avi is he/him, im they/them
life is too short to refrain from eating jam out of the jar.
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art by marioette
in dark times, should the stars also go out?
meet the ocs
my ticket thread im bringin honey lav back.