Hallo! Ich heisse Brooke. I wish I was German. I love Cosplaying and Roleplaying Please Pm me sometime! <3
Hello my name is Brooke. I likelove to Roleplay. If you are ever interested please Pm me.<3 Oh, and I love to make new friends so, please don't be shy~
HEEEY GIIIRLL XD! Not sure how much you'd be on at your dad's house~ Hell I bet you'll read this by the time I'm off in Europe! XD it's so boring here.
Hmmm, you know that Ryan guy? Did you know he has a girlfriend?
She sound really uptight though, she texted me just because you were texting him with my phone the other day.
I told her it was "a short conversation about pretty much nothing, so no worrys."
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She sound really uptight though, she texted me just because you were texting him with my phone the other day.
I told her it was "a short conversation about pretty much nothing, so no worrys."